Perhaps some of you saw on the news recently that southern California was once again ravaged by a series of fires. The news stations covered the fires around the clock, interviewing fire fighters, owners of lost homes, and whoever else they could find that would talk to them. But these reporters don't capture everything. They don't tell the full story on how these fires really affect people.
For example, on the night the fires were getting a little out of hand, I found myself hungry. I had barely eaten all day. I was starving to death. So, as I am prone to do in such situations, I picked up my phone and called pizza hut (they are in my contacts). It went straight to their hold message. I stayed on hold for probably a good 20 minutes. Then I hung up and called again. Same result. I waited an hour, tried again. No different. At this point, I'm ravenous. My stomach was on the verge of digesting itself. I'm also angry at the pizza hut "team" for never answering the phone. More than anything I want to strangle the pizza hut "DJ's" that host the recording you hear while on hold.
Time for plan B: online ordering. I get on to pizza hut's website and submit an order for the pizza hut location I'd been calling. Everything went through. Great! Now I just need to go pick it up. When I get outside, I smell the scent of smoke in the air. Hmm, odd time for a barbecue, I thought. As I arrive near the pizza hut location, I notice a lot of police cars on the street, diverting traffic from closed streets. At this point I turn on AM 1070 and realize my city is on the verge of burning up. Sure enough, the entire commercial complex where the pizza hut is located was closed off. Every single business was closed. Ok then, that explains quite a bit.
However, this still didn't solve my starvation problem. So I drove to a Carls Jr. about 20 minutes away, and then waited another 20 minutes in its drive-thru. Ahhh finally, real food! Also, my city didn't burn down. Don't you love happy endings? I also learned my lesson and the following monday I went to costco and stocked up on hot pockets and lean cuisines, so that the next time disaster strikes, I'm prepared.