Sunday, July 26, 2009


I've been a little crazy about this new band I discovered recently. "Pinback." They're a mellow, indie band, and quite frankly I find their music addictive. I'll post the youtube playlist I created for them. My favorites are probably "Fortress," "Penelope," and "Seville," but really, they're all good. Check them out! Remember to listen to a song at least twice before deciding if you like it or not.


How We Breathe
Good to Sea
Non Photo Blue

Don't ask me what they're singing about. I've never been one to really pay attention to lyrics. I will either like or hate a song based on its composition, beat, structure, and general tune. Lyrics are just an afterthought, in my mind. This is why I can go years listening to a song and never figure out what they're saying.

Anyway, I better stop before I start making fun of Snoop Dogg's "music." Listen to the links when you've got a minute! Tell me what you think.

Monday, July 13, 2009

I take the "Phone" out of iPhone

I've been on the iPhone bandwagon for a while now. Here is a list of what I use my iPhone for most:

1. Solitaire
2. Maps (checking traffic, getting directions, finding places)
3. Texting
4. Facebook
5. Listening to the radio
6. Making/Receiving phone calls
7. Messing around with themes and apps (I jail-broke it)
8. Crawling the web
9. Playing other games besides solitaire
10. Youtube

If this represents the typical uses of most iPhone owners, then I think they should start calling it something else.