Monday, July 13, 2009

I take the "Phone" out of iPhone

I've been on the iPhone bandwagon for a while now. Here is a list of what I use my iPhone for most:

1. Solitaire
2. Maps (checking traffic, getting directions, finding places)
3. Texting
4. Facebook
5. Listening to the radio
6. Making/Receiving phone calls
7. Messing around with themes and apps (I jail-broke it)
8. Crawling the web
9. Playing other games besides solitaire
10. Youtube

If this represents the typical uses of most iPhone owners, then I think they should start calling it something else.


Ramon said...

I like iPirates and World War on my iPhone. I used the GPS to mark where my brother sent the four wheeler off the cliff last weekend. That was cool, now how do I get GPS coordinates?

emilyfcutler said...

unfortunately this post left me bored, as your blog name suggested I was upon arrival.

I wrote a poem, though, that might entertain you. :) read it!

TBD said...

Yeah no guarantees that the product of my boredom will cure yours!

And Ramon, I'm not sure about coords. I imagine there's an app out there for that.

emilyfcutler said...

A new post on my blog awaits your clever wit.