Saturday, January 3, 2009

Oh and also: new year's resolutions

I guess my first post for the new year should have been about all the great new year's resolutions I've made! This will be a work in progress.

1. Eat at least 3000 calories per day (at the very least, on the days I work out). I've lost like 10 lbs over the holidays. This is tragic and must stop.
2. Get a 4.0 in at least one of my classes this semester.

. . .

I'm certainly open to suggestions.

1 comment:

emilyfcutler said...

I saw this one guy on TV that weighed half a ton and ate 30000 calories a day. My suggestion is to not add a zero to your already crazy amount of calories. Don't just eat calories, eat good stuff! Like peanut butter. Mmmm. My favorite smoothie lately is a cup of milk, a cup of blueberries, however much protein powder and however many scoops of peanut butter I desire. Blend. Drink. Say yum. :)