Monday, May 25, 2009

Clif Bars

In the aftermath of Costco discontinuing the protein bars I used to buy, I've been searching for a substitute. In short, Clif bars are not it.

To the makers of Clif bars: if you're going to create something that tastes like crap, the least you could do is make it resemble anything BUT crap. Seriously, if I stepped on one of these at the park, I'd probably utter a few of my favorite swears, and then look around for the irresponsible pet owner.

Of course, I guess I should expect as much from the hippies out of Berkeley, where these things are produced. The saddest part is I bought these in bulk at Costco, so now I've got like 50 of them I have to suffer through. I'm getting kind of sick just thinking about it.


Ramon said...

That is hilarious. I will say I have enjoyed Detour bars and the Snickers Marathon, but they only have 15g and 10g of protein. But they don't taste too bad, infact the chocolate Snickers Marathon.....tasty.

emilyfcutler said...

oooh! Send them to me, I actually love them. Cuz, they're good, bro. Get off yer high horse! Then send them to me. :) And yes, the snickers marathon is the best. It's like having a healthy excuse to eat a snickers bar...almost...

TBD said...

Sorry sis, I threw them all away the other day. I just couldn't stand even looking at them anymore. And they were taking up space.

emilyfcutler said...

oh the tragedy.... That's so unfortunate. What kind of bars do you like?

Miss Giggle said...

Do you have any Clif Bars left? I can't say they taste good, but they definitely helped me through undergrad and kept me on the uneven bars! I don't mind eating the chocolate flavor and peanut butter ones.
Haha! Irresponsible pet owners huh. They are everywhere! Greyhounds crap a lot of clif bars!