Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Woah now, calm down everyone

You know something I've noticed? Politicians are often two-faced. One year they're saying one thing, the next they're saying the exact opposite, all depending on what is popular at the time. I find it inexcusable.

But, I do find it understandable. If politicians want to keep their jobs, they have to cater to the wants and desires and moods of their constituents. These constituents are irrational, emotional creatures caught up in whatever flavor of the week the media is feeding them.

Let's take big oil as an example. One concern is dependence on foreign oil. We want less of that, so a politician advocates off-shore drilling. Then a rig blows up down off the coast of Louisiana, and now the masses are in an uproar over off-shore drilling. Now, if the politician wants to stay popular, he'll talk about the evils of off-shore drilling and oil in general. Most likely he'll come off looking two-faced and no doubt be ridiculed on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Again, I find stuff like this inexcusable. But if I were a politician, I know I'd probably drive myself crazy trying to please everyone and actually stay in a position where I can actually DO something (theoretically). So none of this surprises me.

But while the doublespeak of politicians is irritating, equally bothersome is the irrational kool-aid that the masses imbibe daily. One oil rig explosion does NOT mean we need to rethink the entire concept of off-shore drilling. I understand it's a big deal. I understand it's an environmental disaster. But it's also the price we pay to continue our way of life. There's a certain measure of danger in any form of energy production. There are costs to it. Oil rigs explode. Coal mines do, too. Semi-trucks hauling oil can also explode. And gas stations a la Zoolander. Nuclear power plants can melt down. People can get electrocuted. Bad stuff happens and things blow up. That's just part of how it all works. The fact that a particular accident happens doesn't mean that we need to rethink the whole concept of oil drilling. Instead, we should learn from our mistakes, establish or enforce stricter safety standards, and maybe invent some better gadgets that will hopefully prevent a repeat.

So Obama and Co., I don't blame you for all of a sudden putting a "hold" on the offshore oil drilling that was being contemplated in the new energy bill. I get it. You're dealing with millions of irrational thinkers that get worked into a frenzy by irresponsible media. What else are you supposed to do?

Am I too cynical? Probably.

1 comment:

emilyfcutler said...

didn't sound cynical to me...but you may still be in general :) ;)

I would hate to be a politician. That would be worse than jail for me, I think....So many people think they can solve problems..then the ones that actually should DO something are tied down by paper work, laws, counter laws, threats of lawsuits, and just the general caution before doing anything major, even if it's the very much right thing to do...We just pray it's never for greed that people hesitate to do the right thing, because then they risk to convince themselves not to do it at all, and just get whatever's in it for them. Lame practice.