Monday, March 15, 2010

Please stop inviting me to your groups

A little bone to pick with facebook and its users.

Please stop inviting me to all your random groups and fan pages. "1,000,000 for world peace" is a pointless group. Instead, go donate to some charity that actually DOES something.

Also, you don't need to join a club or become a fan of a page called "I love pickles" to communicate the fact that you are a pickle fiend. Facebook created this little section called "about me" (it's under your "info" tab) to store little tidbits of information about you that no one ever reads or cares about. The same goes for everyone joining that "I go out of my way to step on a really crunchy-looking leaf" group. Why? Are you going to get on the discussion board and talk about this amazing leaf you saw and stepped on the other day? Are you going to plan get-togethers with fans in your area and talk and laugh about how much you have in common because of this tiny quirk in your personality? Now if you want to join a group called "Dr. Seuss was a fabulous writer," go right ahead. There you might actually find people with whom you have something in common that is a little more profound than your love of pickles and leaf-stomping. Who knows, maybe you'll even find a date (I have a friend who met her boyfriend/fiance through an online book club).

One last thing--all you opportunists who think facebook is a great way to promote your business, I know what you're doing. You're not only creating fan pages and groups, but you're actually creating PROFILES and trying to add me as your buddy! Not gonna work. Yeah, maybe some of my friends were dumb enough to add you so they can get spammed with your event announcements and new products, but I'm a little less dumb than they are. You'll have to be a really hot chick or sell something really cool (like a slinky that goes upstairs) to catch my eye and possibly get me to hit that "accept" button.

"Dude, relax, people are just having their fun." Yeah, well their "fun" is clogging up my facebook "news" feed like the shower drain in a girls dorm bathroom. For whatever reason, facebook chose to make the main news feed a torrent of useless information that you can in no way filter or control, other than screening people altogether that you don't care to hear about. Because the geniuses at Facebook's command center do pretty much whatever they want, all I can do is complain about it.

1 comment:

emilyfcutler said...

an upstairs slinky. I want one of those