Lately I've noticed something about myself---my personality to be specific. I don't know that it's very unique. I'm sure a lot of people [who grew up in the great depression] are also like this. I like to make things last. I like to get my money's worth. While some people like to stay on top of the latest trends and fashions, I try to see how long I can keep wearing a shirt before it's in tatters and/or hopelessly out of style. (Fortunately, t-shirts probably won't go out of style in my lifetime.)
A few principles guide my tastes in this respect. First of all, I'm not one for sacrificing too much utility in order to make something last a long time. For instance, I could probably still be using my old motorola flip phone I got back in 2005 (or something similar). The utility of a smartphone far exceeds any personal preference I have to make an older cell phone last longer. Also, I'm not going to hang on to some old thing that becomes unreasonably expensive to maintain (like an older car).
I'm now sitting in my room looking around for stuff that I've had for a long time. Hey let's make this a little more photographic.
That wrinkled shirt I'm currently wearing...I probably got that in 2003 or so. I am definitely not a skater, but hey it fits well and only has one or two tiny holes. Why not keep it?
I got these sandals in Sao Paolo, Brazil in 2000. They told us about parasites we could get in our feet if we ever walked around barefoot, so we all went out one day and got flip flops. One of the straps came loose once as I was walking at the beach, so I took it to a shoe repair shop and got it fixed. They're as comfortable as ever.
These gym shorts I got back in 2005 or so. They have a tendency to fall down when I'm doing plyometrics (jump training) at home. It's not that I have any special attachment to them; I think I'm just too lazy to go buy some new ones. Also not shown are the comfy/lounge pants I'm wearing. They're cloth on the inside and that semi-waterproof ski material on the outside. I probably got them around the same time or earlier as these shorts. Sweats would probably be a better choice. Again, lazy. (I didn't take a picture because I've decided these pics are pretty lame. Also: lazy.)
This is the oldest item I have in my room that comes to mind. I got these on my 8th birthday and that trusty outer cover has kept them in relatively good condition for the past 20+ years. Items like these get more valuable with age as you go marking them up. You can even look back on what you marked (like during seminary) and chuckle a little bit over what you found interesting or deep back then. In that sense it's a little bit like a journal.
And the device taking all these pictures is my iphone. Still rocking the 3G (over three years old--ancient in electronics age) and milking it for all its worth. As I explained elsewhere, I don't like being manipulated into purchasing new products. Therefore, I have vowed to use this iphone until no longer practical. (When it comes to electronics, I'm typically much more indulgent in getting newer things since it is such a rapidly evolving industry.)
Well that concludes this exciting tour of the old stuff lying around my messy room. I just noticed an unopened bag of cashews lying on some shelves. Wonder how long I'll keep that around. Some might call me "cheap" for being like this, and that is perfectly fine by me. I figure if I can stay equally--or even more--satisfied with older stuff than a person who always must have the latest and greatest, then all the better for me and my wallet. Besides, then I have more money to spend on other people who might want or need newer and/or better stuff.
What is the last picture? Why were you given a man purse when you were 8? Did it match your gown?
No fair! How come those shorts didn't fall down during the fit test? I guess I should of request to do the plyo yesterday.
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